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Syntax Cheatsheet ======================================== PHRASE EMPHASIS --------------- *italic* **bold** _italic_ __bold__ LINKS --------------- Inline: An [example]( "Title") Reference-style labels (titles are optional): An [example][id]. Then, anywhere else in the doc, define the link: [id]: "Title" IMAGES --------------- Inline (titles are optional): ![alt text](images/blacktocat.png "Title") Reference-style: ![alt text][id] [id]: images/blacktocat.png "Title" HEADERS --------------- Setext-style: Header 1 ======== Header 2 -------- atx-style (closing #'s are optional): # Header 1 # ## Header 2 ## ###### Header 6 LISTS --------------- Ordered, without paragraphs: 1. Foo 2. Bar Unordered, with paragraphs: * A list item. With multiple paragraphs. * Bar You can nest them: * Abacus * ass * Bastard 1. bitch 2. bupkis * BELITTLER 3. burper * Cunning BLOCKQUOTES --------------- > Email-style angle brackets > are used for blockquotes. > > And, they can be nested. > #### Headers in blockquotes > > * You can quote a list. > * Etc. CODE SPANS --------------- `<code>` spans are delimited by backticks. You can include literal backticks like `` `this` ``. PREFORMATTED CODE BLOCKS --------------- Indent every line of a code block by at least 4 spaces or 1 tab. This is a normal paragraph. This is a preformatted code block. HORIZONTAL RULES --------------- Three or more dashes or asterisks: --- * * * - - - - MANUAL LINE BREAKS --------------- End a line with two or more spaces: Roses are red, Violets are blue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Footnotes --------------- This footnote will appear at the bottom of the document[^1]. The footnote doesn't have to be a number[^nonumber]. [^1]: Told you it'd be here at the bottom. [^nonumber]: See, not a number. Though it does appear as a number in the html's ordered list. Table ----------------- |a |b |c |--|--|-- |1 |2 |3 or a |b |c --|--|-- 1 |2 |3 alignment rigt|left | center -----:|:-----|:------: 0001 | 2 | 003 4 | 0005 | 6 Definition list ----------------- term : definithion term : definithion : is here term : definithion : can have multi paragraph Auto link ----------------- <> <> Encode ----------------- & < "aaa" Inline HTML ----------------- <p> HTML is represented as is.<br> <del>The <strong>quick brown fox</strong> jumps over the lazy dog.</del> </p> <div> Regularly Markdown syntax ignored in HTML.<br/> [Google]( </div> <div markdown="1"> Markdow enabled inside HTML when marked by markdown="1" attribute. [Google]( </div>
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